Sunday, December 1, 2013

Privacy: the right to be weird

Who needs privacy anyway

Now that the NSA and other agencies are continuously spying on us, it's important to know why we need privacy.
Privacy is your right to be weird. Or better, you right to be weird, without others knowing that you are a complete lunatic.

Our society is a system that works, but also a system that needs to be improved. It needed to be improved hundreds of years ago. It needs to be improved today and it will still need to improve in the far future. When you don't improve, you are actually lettings things slip. Without improvement, society as we know it will vanish.

You can't change a system with the same type of thinking that created the system. A system, including an entire society, is the result of the way we think. In order to improve, you must dare to think different. Leaving the status quo means you're weird. Means you are a lunatic compared to todays thinking.

To get where we are today, we were in need of weirdo's. We needed people with crazy ideas. People whom we considered absolutely bonkers at the time. People who didn't took it for granted that the apple fell down from the tree and start to question it. People who came with the crazy idea that gravity may not only affect materials, but also light, and even time. People who thought it might be a good idea to print paper and convince other people that that paper is valuable, and could be used as money. People who thought it would be a good idea, to get in front of a lot of people to ask out loud 'how much is the fish', or to ask for 'respect for the man in the ice cream van'. People who thought we were in desperate need for a ministry of funny walks.

Of course, we now know these people became hero's. However, most weirdo's do not become hero's. These people never know if they are the ones that 'started in 1994' to 'check the microphone' and in 1996 'they're still on the case' - yes I'm talking about Scooter, aren't I weird? They might also become like Tiny Tim, who's advice to 'never hit your grandma with a shovel, 'cause it would make a bad impression on her mind', isn't valued by many people as a wise and life inspiring song-text.

Thereby weirdo's need their time alone. They need to think stuff through and figure out whether or not their weirdness might be the next brilliant thing, or just another strange brainwave people may not want to know about (yet). Many weirdo's are smart and have respectful jobs. To not speak out loud every thought that comes by, helps them to maintain their respectful place in society. With this respectful place in society they can align their strange thoughts and behavior with todays status quo. Because many strange lunatics are mistaken for being normal, they might find a way to form their strange way of thinking, into an actual improvement for society.

Our new times have created something dangerous. They took away peoples time alone. Peoples privacy. Peoples space to work on weird ideas. Today there is always someone watching. People watch what you do, and whether or not your activities could be considered dangerous to todays society.
Being watched every time of the day, will influence the way people think. Weird thoughts will be parked faster. Weird activities will be questioned sooner. Some weird people will become normal. Other weird people will lose their respectful place in society. Society won't get a change to improve and the society we know will start to slip.

To all weirdo's in the world: dare to be insane! Dare to find and defense that balance of working a normal job and working on strange ideas. A lunatic with a normal job and a respectful place in society, may just be tomorrow's hero.

For those who say 'Privacy? I've got nothing to hide'. That's ok, we need normal people to do the necessary paperwork as well. Just remember that todays system is based on the thoughts of yesterdays lunatics. Show respect and and give some time alone for todays lunatics.